Friday 25 November 2011

Supplements For Hypertension

Unfortunately the days whenever we received all our nutrients from our daily diets are long gone.

Today our soil is depleted of minerals, our nutrients are refined and processed and more than 80% of the American population admit that they do not consume anywhere close to the five servings of fruits and vegetables which are required for optimal health. In fact nine daily servings of fruits and vegetables are actually recommended by the DASH diet.


Increasingly doctors, nutritionists, scientists and the general public are realizing that:


“ Insufficient high vitamin food intake is apparently a cause of chronic diseases. Recent evidence has shown that suboptimal levels of vitamins (below standard), even well above those causing deficiency syndromes, are risks for chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer and osteoporosis.”


In one study published through the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) it had been reported that most Americans are deficient in a single or more essential nutrients:


- 80% consumed under the RDA* for Vitamin B6

- 75% consumed under the RDA for magnesium

- 68% consumed under the RDA for calcium

- 50% consumed less than the RDA for Vitamin A

- 45% consumed less than the RDA for B1

- 45% consumed under the RDA for C

- 45% consumed less than the RDA for B2, B3 and B12

*RDA = Recommended Daily Allowance


These results confirm my long held belief that the majority of diseases are due to vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Most significantly, authorities are realizing this and the 59% of Americans who now take supplements, are also realizing this.


Is it not odd that like a population we are overweight... but nutritionally we are starving.


Key Hypertension Supplements:


1) Fish oil. Scientific studies show that fish oil , which contains the beneficial omega 3 essential fatty acids (EFA’s)are important for many critical functions in the body including circulation and lowering blood pressure level.


Dosage: 1000 milligrams daily or as directed on label.


2) Calcium. Deficiences from the minerals calcium and magnesium are common among the population but particularly amongst those suffering from hypertension and heart disease.

Check to see if you have calcium deficiency symptoms.


Dosage: approx. 800mg milligrams daily or as directed around the label.


3) Magnesium.


Magnesium is needed to to maintain a normal heart rythm and muscular contraction. Taking diuretic medication can increase urinary excretion of both potassium and magnesium and other critical minerals.


Magnesium is definitely an absolutely critical mineral for cardiovascular health, many researchers think that deficiencies of this mineral are responsible for the epidemic of cardiovascular disease.


Symptoms of a lack of magnesium are easily identifiable and include muscle twitches, muscle cramps, insomnia, wherewithal to relax and even cravings for chocolate.


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